Tuesday, 13 November 2012

This Is England

Fireworks going off on or around November 5th - This is England. An English/British tradition. It counts.

Fireworks going off mid-November for Diwali. This is NOT England or Britain. This is an ALIEN celebration that should occur in countries that give a shit about it. England doesn't...Neither does Britain.

English/British people should NOT be disturbed by loud BANGS and CRACKS on what is a purely RANDOM time of November.....If we, the British people, wanted to be disturbed by loud BANGS and CRACKS at random times of November we'd move to bloody Islamabad or New Delhi.



I live for the day when the next BANG I hear will be our armed forces putting a bullit into the head of some ALIEN for celebrating their ALIEN culture in OUR country.

Let's look at an alternative shall we?.......

...A largish group of English move into the suburbs of New Delhi.

On April 23rd said group request that roads around where they live are closed to celbrate St. Georges Day.

They also let off extremely loud fireworks.

I wonder what reaction there would be in New Delhi?

...and how about all this occurs in Islamabad?

...Let's all move to Tehran for next April 23rd St. Georges celebration eh?


...Otherwise somebody is going to 'lose it'....A British 'Hitler'?.....

Most of me hopes not, but, if I'm honest, a little piece of me hopes so....


Thursday, 1 November 2012


Why are roads in Britain closed so that EED can be celebrated?


It has nothing what so ever to do with Britain. It is an alien celebration.

Why do we allow roads to be closed to allow this alien celebration?????

EED has something to do with Islam. I neither know nor care what it is. I DO care that roads are closed for this alien celebration to take place. It isn't British nor English, it is ALIEN.

EED is a muslim celebration and should be restricted to muslim countries. End of.


Would Pakistan close off roads (assuming they have such things in our way of thinking) for a St. George celebration? Would they fuck!!!

Would Iran even allow a Christian community to exist let alone shutting off roads for Christian celebrations? Would they fuck!!!



Monday, 22 October 2012

You're Havin' A Laugh

Q. What do you call a Muslim with a slice of ham on his head?
A. Hamed.

Q. What about a Muslim with 2 slices of ham on his head?
A. Mohammed

Last week, a Muslim woman was seen shoplifting. She was caught on camera. Police are looking for a woman with dark eyes.

Q. How do you separate a Muslim man from a Muslim boy?
A. With a crowbar.

A Muslim woman was walking past this building site in Mecca when a group of Muslim builders shouted, "Show us your face."

An advertisement in a local UK paper: "4 Talibans required as mudflaps. Must be flexible and willing to travel."

Q. How do you save a drowning Jihadist?
A. You don't.

Now. The above jokes will be perceived as offensive to muslims by many muslims and many liberals in western society.

The reason for that is quite simple.

They haven't got a sense of humour.

I have.

Q. Why do Welshmen wear wellingtons?
A. To stop the sheep running away

I will now undoubtedly be issued with a Welsh fatwah....

Thursday, 11 October 2012

How's About That Then?

Soon to be formerly 'Sir' Jimmy Saville - late of this world - was something of an icon.

It has now become clear he was also something of a pervert praying on vulnerable young people.

Sometimes it's really hard to maintain any faith in humanity isn't it?

Clearly Zimbabwe's Mugabe is an evil dictator responsible for thousands of deaths - but he's in Zimbabwe.

The nutters running in North Korea are clearly insane but they're in North Korea.

Saddam was mad as a hatter and conducted genocide when he was alive, but that was Iraq.

Gaddaffi the same but that was Libya.

I've reached the point where I really couldn't give a monkeys anymore about some despot in some other country murdering their own people.

I'm becoming very analy retentive about my own country.

I wish the bloody place and the bloody people would just stop being so bloody dissapointing.

And I really really would like the BBC to stop putting every ethnic group conceivable before the cameras to read the news.

Let's get this straight.

We are predominantly a white Christian country with other races/creeds/colours and religions living here.

That's the way it works.

I have no issue with an African looking chap reading the news to me, nor an Asian chap - or indeed a woman of some other race/creed or colour.

My problem is that people of that ilk seem to be the majority in news reading terms.

Stop it BBC.

I and MY ilk are the majority and we're getting fed up of this multi-cultural/racial/religious bollocks.

OUR country OUR ways....everyone else fits in or fucks off.

Oh I'm such a fascist I am.....;-)

Monday, 8 October 2012


I have a friend....he is a reformed muslim....well...he has given up being muslim so 'reformed' is my way of looking at it. I think he still prays and stuff...but he does it alone at home.

He used to be quite commited to Islam - which suggested to me he should have been commited to the nearest asylum...but as he is my friend I didn't call the men in white coats.

He used to go to a mosque to pray - well, several actually. He kept quitting mosques and moving to others.

I asked him why?

He said "Every mosque I go to starts out friendly and a nice place to be but, eventually, somebody starts slagging off Britain and the West and I don't like it. I live here. Why would I live here if it was so awful? I get tired of all this and go elsewhere....then it starts there too eventually"

I asked him whether he's happy now he isn't going to any mosque.

"I'll have children when I want to!" he said enigmatically.

"Pardon?" I asked

"You see" he answered, "the latest thing is breeding. Imam's and others are telling us we have to have as many children as possible"

"Why?" I asked

"Because the aim of Islam is to dominate the globe....the world...and they are worried it may never happen through immigration so they want muslims to breed their way to the majority. It may take 30, 50 or a hundred years but that is what they want"

"You ARE kidding right?" I asked

"I wish I was" he said.

You little breeders!!! You really believe we would ever allow you to breed your way to an Islamic state in Britain?

Well....we are being warned....from the inside too sometimes.

So? What are we going to do about it then?

Friday, 5 October 2012

Red Ed, Call Me Dave And The Other One

Red Ed Milliband is the Leader of The Labour Party. Once upon a time this party pretended to be the political party of 'the working man'...although these days I suppose you should say 'working person'. Either way it is bullshit. Red Ed also looks like a living breathing Muppet version of himself...which is impressive on a certain level...

Call Me Dave Cameron is the current Prime Minister and Leader of The Conservative Party. Very few people have any idea what else he is apart from, I assume, his wife Samantha aka Sam Cam. He may be a good shag...or not...but he is clearly a crap Prime Minister.

The 'other one' is called Nick Clegg. He is Leader of The Liberal Party and he should be as irrelevant as The Liberal Party is but, bizarrely, he isn't.

Nobody with even a modicum of brain cells voted for The Liberals yet they are in government. As part of something called a 'coalition'. I suspect 'a coalition' means a combined number of people/parties (in this case 2) who will try and work together to achieve a common aim.....well...it appears nobody got around to telling our coalition that the definition of what they are doing is something along those lines...

This strange anomaly...The Liberals having any say in anything.... occured because nobody - or at least - insufficient numbers voted for Labour or The Conseratives either.

The reason this occured is because we, the British people, have completely lost faith in OUR democracy.

This loss of faith is entirely down to what is now commonly known as our 'political classes'.

The 'political classes' are our politicians.

They are almost without exception lying, cheating, self opinionated, self aggrandising pieces of shit.

Britain's democracy is under severe threat....it is in severe danger.

We have nobody left to vote for.

A vacuum is occuring.

Vacuum's are invariably filled by something or someone.

Hitler and his Nazi's filled a vacuum in the 1930's.

We live in troubled and troubling times.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Wriggling On The Hook

Apparently old Captain Hook - previous post - has appealed again against being deported to the USA were he would be incarcerated for at least 50 years, in other words he wouldn't live to see freedom again.

Some British judge, at a private hearing - get that...a PRIVATE hearing...has decided he can appeal yet again.

We have no idea who the judge is, neither do we have any idea on what grounds Hook can appeal...AGAIN.

At thousands of pounds of taxpayers money too I might add.

Even the morons in The European Courts finally conceded he should be thrown out in the general direction of America who want a long chat with him regarding training and inciting terrorists - not least the nutters who perpetrated 9/11......

British democracy at work.

There are no words really are there?

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


 Abu Hamza is a piece of human detritus. He is a total shite and his death would be a blessing on the world and humanity in general.

Certainly he isn't the only one....human detritus that is.....There are many many forms of human detritus and they are not, by any means, necessarily muslim. 'Call Me Dave' Cameron springs recently to mind....Peter Mandelson is a clear candidate as is that Tory ponce who slagged off the police recently...forget his name...well...why should we even try to remember it eh?

It's rather sad really that Nick Clegg and the Liberals don't even amount to human detritus and shouldn't be mentioned here for that reason alone.....

Mitt Romney?.....Precisely how anyone can actually be called 'Mitt' let alone 'Romney' is a mystery to everyone apart, I assume, from his immediate family....the parents especially...who called him 'Mitt'.

'Mitt'???...Give us a break....President 'Barrak'...er...'Barrack' was daft enough....MITT???????

Mind you 'Obama' is a bit weird really. It isn't exactly a name is it?.....'Obama'.....It sounds more like a gentle infection if you ask me.....yes...I said 'gentle' not genital....but you never know do you?

Doctor : "Your balls are infected with 'OBAMA' Mr Patient...take these antibiotics twice a day and it will be cured"........

Even 'The Queen' apparently questioned why Abu 'Captain Hook' Hamza was here in Britain...although her comments were private and the BBC have apologised profusely for releasing them.

The thing is....The Queens comments are so in line with 'ordinary people', their release has merely emphasized how much our political elite are 'out of touch' with us and how much our Queen is actually 'in touch' with us ordinary 'plebs'.

Plebs?....That brings us back to the Tory twat....


If I offer a substantial sum of money can I be the one to shoe Hamza's hooks so far up his anus his beard falls out?......I'm saving up already.....

Muzzies of the UK are breeding and getting ready......their Mad Mullahs are telling them...."Breed...breed...breed...and eventually YOU will rule and Sharia will RULE and ALLAH will rule"

I know this 'cause one of my best pals is a Muzzie and he's told me what he hears in the Mosques.

If we aren't afraid now we bloody well should be and we bloody well will be....

Not very good at irony are they?....

Watch how you go eh?

Monday, 24 September 2012


MIXLR is extraordinary to the likes of me. You can sign in...or up...for free, then you can broadcast your own radio show. Bloody marvellous.

You can play whatever music takes your fancy....chat over your microphone....take phone calls (I've no idea how that is done but you can)....and play more music.

I recerntly found SFR which plays Ska, Punk and pretty much anything apart from RAP and HOUSE and GARAGE which anyone with more than three brain cells would clearly hate...make that two brain cells...

I also found The RockNRoll Coach who played some great tracks along with lots of chat on the phone regarding cancer cures and marijuana.

SFR seems to play most evenings.....The Rock N Roll Coach I think is Mondays at about 8pm .

Anyways.......I am IMPRESSED. Having 'joined' this MIXLR thingy I may start my own show.

In the meantime, latest news.....John Terry has retired from International football,,,,So there IS a GOD after all. The man was/is clearly mad as a hatter...The 'dead leg' he tried to deny when Chelsea somehow managed to win the Champions League was a 'master piece' in 'self delusion'.

Rather a shame really...Terry could have been 'THE MAN'...he ended up being 'THE TOSSER'....

There but for the grace of God eh?

Some Tory MP has slagged off the police by calling them 'fucking plebs'.

Never mind. He's apologised and wants to 'draw a line under it'....I bet he does.

...and life goes on....

Let's be careful of saying the wrong thing out there eh?

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Too Many Twitters Make A Twat

The only sensible thing to come out of any politicians mouth in nearly half a century came out of David Camerons mouth many months back.

He was asked whether he would use 'Twitter'.

Twitter is an internet phenomenom that people use to tell us all what they had for breakfast and how many times a day they have a shit.

Cameron said 'Too many twitters make a twat'.

It's unusual that anything sensible comes out of a politicians mouth so we should remember this. We should cherish this.

Do you use 'Twitter'?

Hello you TWAT!

Thursday, 20 September 2012


Now look....I am more than willing to take the mickey out of the police.

"There's never a policeman/woman around when you need one"

"They're about as much use to ordinary people as a plastic toasting fork"....et al

Two Police women (and before you say it should read 'officers' get a life), Two Police women were shot dead in Manchester.

Clearly that was a bad thing...an awful thing....almost an unbelievable thing.


The Police Officers 'on the ground' are not the Police Officers 'in charge'. Most of the 'in charge' brigade are politically correct morons...that's a given.

The guys 'on the ground' are us.

They are 'the us' who chose to be Police Officers. They chose to try and keep the peace....protect 'us'.

Clearly 'The Police' are not currently held in the high esteem they once were......but, generally speaking, it isn't the fault of 'officers' on the ground.

These two ladies were murdered by a 'nutter'.

They were murdered trying to 'do their jobs'....to protect 'us'....the innocent law abiding people.

Facebook and Twitter is awash with sicko's slagging the Police off and claiming the 'nutter' is a hero.

What kind of world do WE want then?

Your memory must be in perpetuity ladies.

We must never forget you or your courage.

Well...for what it's worth...I won't anyway.

God bless you....and God bless your families and loved ones who must be suffering in ways I cannot begin to comprehend.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Shariaaaaa...Sharia Baaaby!

Apparently some numpty in the US of A has made a shit movie.

It's called 'The Innocence Of Muslims'.




Er, excuse moi?.....People who cheerfully blow themselves up (which is cool if they're nutters and are ridding the world of themselves) along with any innocent bystanders around (which isn't cool) are innocent?....

Now look.

Unless you happen to be reading this as an Islamist - in which case I suggest you don't as you're wasting my time - you clearly realise that blowing yourself up with as many 'innocents' as possible is a BAD THING.


We are asked to 'respect' Islam in the UK. Fair enough....er....isn't 'respect' a two way street?

Muzzies United turned up in London(istan) outside the American Embassy to burn the American flag in protest to some idiotic movie about Allah being ....er....Mohammed being a paedophile or some such stuff.

I can only say one thing to the Muzzies of the UK.

We've got more Nukes than you.

During the 'protest' demands were made for Sharia Law to be introduced and accepted in the UK.

I would dearly love to hear the response of our 'Liberal's' to this.

'We must respect Islam'.....'You are Xenophobic if you disagree with immigration'.....


Why is that Islamophobic/Xenophobic/Rascist?

GOD HELP US ALL....well...not them....just the rest of us eh?....;-)

Friday, 14 September 2012

Respecting Britain...Respecting England

Immigration has been completely out of control for well over a decade in Great Britain.

That isn't to say that many many immigrants haven't settled here and added to the well being of Britain.

Sadly, many, not entirely through their own fault, have been allowed to change the demographics of many areas of Britain in ways that the indigenous population have understandably resented.

Southall, areas of Bradford, areas of Cardiff, Wembley, areas of Oldham and Rochdale to name a few.

They are no longer Britain...they are no longer England...they are no longer OUR home.

Of course, immigrants should not be blamed for this....The Brits have virtually colonised a section of Spain and, many Spaniards are justifiably extremely miffed about it....no, not Gibraltar...the Brits have created a 'British Colony' much as the Asians have created the same in Southall etc....it's the human instinct for 'safety in numbers' so don't blame the immigrants whether Brits in Spain or Asians in Britain.

Governments should have forseen the inevitable and stepped in to ensure 'colonies' within nation states couldn't happen. Forceably, if necessary, ensuring immigrants were 'scattered' about thereby ensuring they would, to a reasonable degree, assimilate and adapt to their new country.

Governments didn't and now, we are left with the consequences.....and to even suggest that in Britain these days makes you a rabid fascist.

Muslims are the worst at assimilating to their new countries. Basically, they don't. There is no attempt. Islam is all and any country they move to should respect that.

Well....I guess that makes me Islamophobic.

There is no place for Islam in Britain nor England. It is intrusive and devisive....

Any religion/way of life that can blow up London buses and tube trains needs to be eliminated from OUR country.

Never happen though will it?

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.

WELCOME TO (certain areas of) BRITAIN IN THE 21st CENTURY......

Thursday, 13 September 2012

We'll Never Forget The 96

It's the late 1980's....15th April 1989 to be precise. 96 Liverpool FC supporters are crushed to death purely because senior police officers cocked it all up.

For 23 years we've all KNOWN that. With the exception of a few Manchester United supporters chanting "You should have all died at Hillsborough' to the sickeningly jaunty tune of 'Guantanamera' mainly in revenge for Liverpool fans chanting 'Always look on rhe runway for ice' to 'Always Look On The Brightside Of Life' referring to the 1950's Munich air disaster.....The Hillsborough disaster transcended football rivalries.

We all knew it was a police cock up.

Smearing the supporters in order to blame them was unforgiveable as was the 'cover up'.

Statements systematically altered included "Sergeants and Inspectors appeared to be aimlessly milling about.....There did not appear to be any leadership" from a PC Hood. This statement was hidden.

I know it was 23 years ago and, supposedly, time heals, but how can time heal for the families of the dead when their names have been smeared consistantly by the police?

It wasn't the poor 'plods' it was the officers in charge.

They cocked up - a human error. A terrible one perhaps, but to err is to be human.

96 innocent people died as a result.

Then the officers systematically set about to smear the dead and the survivors to cover their own incompetence.

The error was awful but there go I or any of us if we make a bad call.....

The lies told are the unforgiveable bits.....It's for those the appropriate people should pay.

Call Me Al - Qaeda

The American Ambassador to Iraq has been assassinated and lots of people seem surprised.

The West helped finance the downfall of Saddam and the Islamists were quite happy to take the finance and weapons to achieve his downfall but why is the West surprised when they turn on us?

This is Islam. We are the West. We are civilisation and democracy - far from perfect I grant you but we decline to execute women who have been raped for example.

Islam isn't just a religion, it's a way of life and, for many Islamists, it is the only way of life acceptable on this planet. They will go to any lengths to instigate Sharia wherever they are - and that includes the West.

How many times will we ignore the warnings and the dangers we are exposing ourselves to?

Either we combat this insidious 'religion' or we start practising sticking our arses in the air and praying to Mecca.

The time is coming when it'll be one or the other....

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


I'm feeling very olympic today....

I know it's all over, but as I've only just started this blog I'm playing 'catch up' a bit...

Marvellous stuff was the Olympics and the Paralympics. Made you proud to be a Brit and, these days, it takes something special to make you feel that way.

The 'Mo-bot' just might start to make a difference over here in Blighty.

So many muslims, particularly of Somalian/African origin with, clearly, no intention whatsoever of adapting to their adopted country. Mo Farrah should be an example to them all. Well?....You can live in hope I suppose....breath holding is not to be advised....

Now it's all over so back to the drudgery of everyday life for most of us.

Mind you, the pride we felt and feel in our athletes, able bodied and disabled, will be around for ever.

Personally, I'll never look at a disabled person in the same way as I did again. Not in a bad way before but, perhaps, inadvertently patronising? Talking over a wheelchair user? That sort of thing. Not intentionally rude but thoughtless.

I wonder whether Blighty really can build on what was achieved here?

Monday, 10 September 2012


America has an election...AND?....

 What will change?.....Nothing. Obama wins, the other chap wins?...So what?

Europe is in chaos...mainly because some idiots created The European Union as they thought that was a good idea.

Clearly it wasn't.....no surprise there then....and now Greece is in deep shit and Germany is discovering it isn't going to rule Europe through the European Union anymore than it could through starting the odd war.

Nice one Angela...

Britain, my place, is now officially the second most overcrowded island in Europe other than Malta - which I didn't realise was actually IN Europe....It is?....Oh well...at least we're only the 2nd most overcrowded island then....

Various Arab countries are still blowing themselves to bits - like I care?

Oh humanity...you bloody fools. You think you're important don't you?

You think YOU run the show.

Arrogance will be our downfall.

And so it should be.